Breaking: Texas High School Teacher's Device Instantly Wards Off Mosquito Bites, Sweeping The Nation. Welcome A Bite-Free Summer!

"This device has absolutely changed my family's life. We bought our house for the lovely backyard... long story short, we can actually use it now without being destroyed by bugs!"

Friday, June 23, 2023 | Texas News | By Steven Gafferty

I hate mosquitoes! Their bites, the buzzing around my ears, the itching, and the swelling. They ruin my summers every year...

When I think of fun summer activities like camping, enjoying family meals on the porch, or BBQ with friends, I get anxiety and itchiness just thinking about those mosquitoes. I'm like a magnet for those animals. Every summer I would be covered with dozens of red welts and have terrible swelling. Not to mention the itch!

I tried everything; DEET sprays, lotions, those anti-bug candles... NOTHING proved to be 100% effective. Those candles and sprays smell awful, and most even contain toxic chemicals. Those are so unhealthy that some have been BANNED in many countries. Mosquitoes are also evolving and becoming RESISTANT to these poisons and repellents.

But thanks to Paul Lambert, a local Texas high school biology teacher, and his new genius bug zapper, my summer is officially saved.

A friend sent it to me on social media, so I decided to order a couple to test them out, and boy am I glad I did. I'll share my experience below...

Meet Skeeter Strike™ – A Device Launched With New Technology To Wipe Out Mosquitoes (And Other Bugs!)

The Skeeter Strike™ story started rather randomly. At Paul's high school, most of the staff eats lunch outside, but once Summer rolls around, the bugs bite so badly that it becomes completely unbearable.

One day earlier this year, Paul was walking into his office and saw some unusual work being done... he asked, "what's all this?"

As the contractors explained, Paul formed a quirky smile on his face....

"Just go ahead and stop all of this. Clean this all up. I have a brilliant idea..."

The Skeeter Strike™ Vision

For Paul, this idea was more than just a quick thought about how to get rid of pesky mosquitoes, it was a lifelong dream of his. Growing up in Texas, he was traumatized by swarms of mosquitoes as a kid, and many people he knew got very sick from the viruses they carry. In fact, his brother sadly passed away from a mosquito borne virus. It all made sense now.

In graduate school at MIT, he made high-tech bug zappers that were so good he won the college's award for innovation of the year.

It took a day or two for him to find his old blueprints on the device from college. He brought them into the office and the engineering department got straight to work, now feeling the same passion for this project after seeing Paul's inspiration.

Suddenly, his quirky smile made a lot more sense to the staff at his high school...

After two months of research and development, and one month of setting up manufacturing, Skeeter Strike™ was born.

Skeeter Strike™ Is Sweeping The Nation As People Get Excited For Summer.

Paul has even won some awards from notable organizations involved in preventing the spread of mosquito-borne viruses.

So How Does It Work?

Well, it's a brand new type of bug zapper. Finally, there is an alternative to stinky and toxic insect repellent that makes you feel like you have to shower after putting it on.

The patented design is both innovative and effective.

Instead of trying to keep the mosquitoes away, it actually attracts and zaps them DEAD! But that's not the "secret sauce" from this device. Skeeter Strike™ uses patented "FlashBeam Technology" to wipe out 96% of mosquitoes in less than 6 minutes! That’s 7x more than ANY other device on the market! It emits the exact frequency of UV that works like a mosquito magnet.

Skeeter Strike™ uses UV light to attract insects, and the high-powered electrical grid sparks them to oblivion.

Dead insects fall into a hidden receptacle for easier disposal. You don't even have to touch them.

It uses zero harmful chemicals, which makes it perfectly safe for children and pets.

The powerful built-in battery can go for 20 hours on a single charge.

It’s the most portable bug-zapper out there (only 7oz), and it doesn't make any sound audible to human ears (other old-school bug zappers are so heavy you can't take them anywhere, and have that loud buzzing sound).

Once you’re done with those pesky insects, you can also use it as a standalone lantern. Perfect for camping at night, reading a book or sipping wine out on the porch... all with ZERO bug bites.

My Personal Experience With Skeeter Strike™...

I charged my Skeeter Strike™, so I was good for the next 20 hours. I was hoping my kids were no longer going to be eaten alive when we played outside in the afternoon.

As soon as I saw the mosquitoes come close to the device, those little monsters got destroyed when they touched the electrified grate!!

Look how many mosquitoes it had zapped after just one afternoon and evening:

The results speak for themselves.

On hot summer days, my house is also filled with flies. I love this device because it zaps those annoying pests as well!

Frequently Asked Questions About Skeeter Strike™:

Q: What insects can Skeeter Strike™ attract?

Skeeter Strike™ attracts and zaps any critters that can see the UV light. This includes mosquitoes, flies, ants, ticks, cockroaches, spiders, wasps, stink bugs, and many others.

Q: Can I use Skeeter Strike™ only as a lantern?

Yes! You can use its powerful 600-Lumen LED light without the zapping mechanism. The bulb has a lifespan of over 10,000 hours.

Q: Can I adjust the lantern’s brightness?

Yes! You can choose between 4 different settings - 0%, 20%, 50%, and 100%.

Q: Do I need to buy batteries?

No! Skeeter Strike™ comes with a built-in 2,000mAh rechargeable battery. It can go for 20 hours on a single charge. The wall charger and the USB cable are also included. I just keep one plugged in my kitchen and take with me when I go out to the porch.

Q: How much space does it cover?

One Skeeter Strike™ can effectively cover 350 square feet outside, but it can cover even more inside or on a confined area like a patio or porch.

After Trying It Ourselves, Why We Ranked Skeeter Strike™ The #1 Product (And Gift Idea!) Of The Summer...

  • It Just Flat Out Kills Bugs, Especially Mosquitoes and No-see-ums - You saw how many we got the first night of using it. Funny thing is, I think after a few days it kind of wiped them out of my backyard. There are less and less around everyday, and the ones that do come, get zapped before biting me

  • Safe For Pets and Children - The electrified grid is closed off so only pesky insect can get to it. Making it safe to use around children. It also doesn't make dogs or cats nervous.

  • Very Portable - The device is small enough to carry with you while camping, hiking, in your luggage, or even a tote purse. It also charges just like a smartphone, so you can plug it in anywhere, including a car.

  • No Chemicals - No chemicals like DEET that are BANNED in other countries. No stinky, greasy spray that makes you want to shower after! Perfect for kids, people with sensitive skin, and pregnant ladies.

  • Easy to Clean - Cleaning is fast and easy. Unscrew the tray at the bottom and dump the bugs in the trash without ever coming close to touching them.

Conclusion: Is Skeeter Strike™ Worth It?

Absolutely, Yes.

First of all, yes this is a technological wonder that some consider to be the most important advance in mosquito eradication.

On top of that, Skeeter Strike™ is satisfaction guaranteed to keep the mosquitoes off you indoors or out.

If you left the door open to your house and pesky mosquitoes got inside, turn on the Skeeter Strike™ for a few minutes and they're gone, giving you a better nights sleep.

I have one for the porch and one in the kitchen that I move to my bedside at night. No more being woken up by Mosquitoes! And it makes a great night light and emergency flashlight.

Everyone that we've had test it says they'd pay hundreds of dollars to be mosquito free the way the Skeeter Strike™ allows you to be, and are then shocked to find out you can get it for $59 with the 50% Pre-Summer discount exclusive to our readers (retails for $119.99) (Click Here to lock in your discount now).

If you missed out on the Skeeter Strike™ launch sale earlier this year, now is the time to  take advantage of the huge Pre-Summer discount and enjoy your Summer mosquito free!

How To Get Your Very Own Skeeter Strike™:

*This part is important: They have completely sold out in Texas stores, so the only way to get a real Skeeter Strike™ is by ordering from their official website here.

I recommend just trying it now since they are very close to selling out entirely for the Summer. Skeeter Strike™ went viral and sold much faster than expected, and we're hearing they won't have production scaled up until Fall.

Remember, they have a satisfaction guarantee so I recommend everyone see for yourself before it's too late.

This could be your last chance to have a mosquito-free summer!

"This thing is Magic! I love that I don't have to spray myself down with bug spray anymore. The spray smell ruins my wine haha"

- Jill B, 59

"My wife has sensitive skin. Bug pray was bad but the bites were even worse. This takes care of both!"

- Kenneth C, 62

"OMG this saved our summer completely. We can actually have people over in our backyard for parties now. Thank You Paul!"

- Missy, 29

"I’ll be honest: I got one bite right when I turned it on and I was mad. But then I saw all the mosquitoes and other bugs getting zapped. I don't think I've had a bite since that first one which now I know was just a fluke. You can see this thing working!”. "

- Jim, 36


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